We offer a wide range of chip spreader by is able to meet the varying needs of customers. Apple tailboard chipping Spreader is designed to give a fast, accurately controlled application of surface deressing chippings, coated chippings and other materials on to all type of roads.
The unit is designed for easy fitting to most tipping truck bodies and is available in the following two models. 1) 2.25 m (7' 4") SPREAS 2) 2.25 m (8' 3") SPREAS Each model is available with an optional quick release scatter plate, witch extends the spreading width by 0.5 m (20") giving 2.75 m (9' or 3.0 m (10') Spread
Product Specification
- WEIGHT OF 2.25 M MODEL - 650Kg. (Approx)
- WEIGHT OF 2.2 M MODEL - 700Kg. (Approx)
Body : Constructed from 4mm pressed steel plate with hollw square and rectangular reinforcing cestions and channerls.
Feed Roller : Serrated surface feed roller constructed from 165 mm (11/2") diameter tube mounted between self aligning lubricated for life bearings.